Welcome to The Grey Brunette

I’m so freaking delighted right now because it’s finally time to launch my brand new lifestyle blog, The Grey Brunette. I’d been toying with the idea for ages, but kept assuming that it was ok to keep my author blog together with my lifestyle stuff. However, with many of my books aimed at kids, this meant I had to be really careful with my language and in reality, I love to use swear words every now and again — we all do, right? I also came to realise that the people who are reading my young adult witchy books aren’t necessarily the same people who will love to read all about my style shenanigans (and other stuff).

So here I am, launching a brand new blog in 2021 when the world is still up shit creek. But I don’t care. This is my space and I intend to love every second of being here. I just hope you will love every second too.

I’ll be posting all about my love of style and beauty — something I’ve been neglecting lately because I just didn’t feel like suzyturner.com was the right place for it anymore. I’m so freaking excited. Can you tell?

Why The Grey Brunette?

So, why The Grey Brunette? Well, if you already know me, you’ll know that I stopped dyeing my hair almost a decade ago and I simply adore my many silvery strands. I’m going grey and I love it. As I write this, my hair is a bloody mess, to be honest. I have noticed it has changed over the past few years. It’s becoming a bit more well, haywire lol. But, I’m trying new things. My mother-in-law gave me some old heated rollers recently and I’m slowly figuring them out. Over Christmas, she curled it for me and it looked fabulous. I’ve tried twice since and the front was all curly and the back was not. But I digress. I’m trying new things with my hair and beauty and I want to share it all with you.

It’s not all about the hair though. I also want to share new clothes and old clothes with you. How I love to style things that you wouldn’t ordinarily put together, for example. I’m basically going to run riot on The Grey Brunette. It’s going to be a blast, I just know it. The question is, are you coming along for the ride?

As well as a brand new blog, I’ve also created brand new social media pages too! I know, I know. I’m a sucker for punishment. How the hell am I going to get my follower count as high as all my Suzy Turner stuff? Crikey, I don’t freaking know. Perhaps you would like to help?

Find me on: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube (videos to come soon)


Ageless Style

Not Dressed as Lamb

Shelbee on the Edge

Style Splash

Living on Cloud Nine

A Pocketful of Polka Dots

Nancy’s Fashion Style

Chic & Stylish (Mumma B Stylish)

Elegantly Dressed & Stylish

Top of the World

Elegance & Mommyhood

Confident Twosday

WOW on Wednesday


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Welcome to The Grey Brunette”

  1. Gail says:

    Well this all sounds very exciting! Congratulations on your shiny new website. Have followed you on your new channels and added your new blog to my “blogs to follow” list. Looking forward to seeing your new content! xx

    • Suzy says:

      Gail, you’re an absolute star! Thank you so much. I just need to order a remote control for my camera so I can really make a start on new posts with original photos!
      Suzy xx

  2. Nancy says:

    Yeah! In very happy that you started this blog and would love to follow you again! But how????? Perhaps I need to check that out on the laptop !

    • Suzy says:

      Nancy, you’re the best! Thank you so much, my friend. I’ve just added a follow button, so hopefully that will help!
      Suzy xx

  3. I will follow your blog Suzy. You write excellently. I can enjoy it and learn from it.
    Still dyeing my hair 😎😉.

    • Suzy says:

      Greetje, you have just made my day! Thank you so much, my friend.
      Also, thank you for sending me the email about the issues on the blog. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I’m trying to make my blog safe at the moment but I’m having a few issues. Hopefully it will be sorted soon.
      Thanks again!
      Suzy xx

  4. mireilleftm says:

    I will have to look you up on Instagram! Love your choice of graphics and it does make sense to have a separate blog for these kinds of posts.

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks so much Mireiile! Unfortunately, I’m having issues with Instagram at the moment. They’re letting me post photos but aren’t letting me write anything! They won’t let me like anything either. As you can probably imagine, it’s driving me insane!!
      Suzy xx

  5. mummabstylish says:

    Wow, well done. So pleased you have taken the plunge, be nice to see more of you Suzy. Jacqui
    Thanks for joining the #chicandstylish #LINKUP too. x

  6. LOVE this! What a joyful read and yay looking forward to checking out allll your content!

    • Suzy says:

      Awww you’re so sweet, Rachael! Thank you so much for your lovely comments and for popping over to the blog!
      Suzy xx

  7. shelbeeontheedge1 says:

    Suzy, I am so excited for you in this new blog space! I just followed all your new social media channels! I have been trying new things with my hair lately as well and while I have been resistant to going gray, I have little patience for the coloring process these days. I have started using purple shampoo which makes my gray roots so much better for my skin tone. Although I recently just bought a box of hair dye in case I can’t stand it anymore! The last time I dyed my hair was in July so I am unsure where I will go with it into the future. But it’s winter now and hats are my best friends! Thanks for linking with me!


  8. […] of The Grey Brunette shared her post, Welcome to the Grey Brunette. You all know Suzy from Suzy Turner Books & Style. Well, she has just launched a brand new […]

  9. […] an attempt to pad out my brand spanking new blog (with all it’s white space), I thought I’d share some of my favourite outfits that have […]

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