Link-Up: Pigging out on vegan donuts in Lisbon

I’ve had a lovely break from the blog, but it’s time to get back to the grindstone. LOL, I don’t really mean that. I love blogging, but it is nice to have a break every now and again—although our break was disrupted due to cancelled holidays. We were actually supposed to have driven back to England over Christmas but we ended up having to cancel because of all the restrictions. It was such a shame because we were so looking forward to spending Christmas with my in-laws and finally getting together with my brother and sister who I haven’t seen for a couple of years. But, hopefully, we’ll make it over in the next few months and we’ll open all our pressies then instead! The cancelled holidays did enable us to discover some amazing vegan donuts though… read on!

Instead of Christmas in the UK, we had a lovely day with my dad and a fabulous evening with some dear friends. And then the following day (my 46th birthday) we headed up to Lisbon for a few days with those same friends. And boy did we have a laugh! We seemed to spend the majority of our time in restaurants eating the most wonderful vegan food we’ve ever tasted.

If you’re wondering why we’re eating vegan food, it’s because earlier this year, Michael and I decided to stop consuming animal products. To be honest, we hadn’t been eating much meat over the past couple of years, and whenever we did, we always felt uncomfortable. So, it was a relatively easy decision. But the main reason is because we are such animal lovers and it just didn’t seem right to continue on that path. I’m happy to say that we haven’t once regretted our choice, either.

We always laugh whenever someone asks us, ‘what on earth do you eat?’ because most non vegans assume that our diets are incredibly limited. But nothing could be further from the truth! We eat the most delicious foods every day, and we often experiment with things we’d never even heard of before. It’s truly wonderful. I plan on sharing some of my favourite recipes in upcoming posts, so do stay ‘tuned’.

Lisbon has some of the best vegan restaurants too, so we were totally spoilt for choice. Our friends are also vegan and they frequently visit the capital so they knew exactly where to take us. But I’ll save those details for another post. I should however, mention the vegan donuts. O.M.G. If you’re ever in Lisbon, you need to check out Scoop N Dough—a vegan donuts and ice cream shop/cafe that was named The Best Vegan Donuts by HappyCow (kind of like a vegan tripadvisor). They’re insanely delicious (and probably responsible for the extra muffin top around my waist at the moment lol. But so worth it!).

We saw the latest Matrix Resurrections movie whilst in Lisbon and it was freaking EPIC! Have you seen it? Don’t you just love Keanu Reeves? He was amazing, in fact I’d even say that it was better than the earlier movies. So if you get the chance to see it, I cannot recommend it enough. We watched the late afternoon viewing at the cinema in the Colombo Shopping Centre and I must say I was super impressed. The seats were very comfortable and because we watched it at 5pm, it wasn’t busy at all. Once finished, we headed back into the city for yet another meal before calling it a night.

Another thing that we got up to in Lisbon was this…

Michael and the others actually rented e-scooters late at night after a meal but I was too much of a coward to try it. I’ve always been like that…ever since I was a kid, I was always the scaredy cat in our little group of friends! But the following day, I hopped on to the front of Michael’s instead which was ridiculously good fun. I’ve vowed to rent my own next week when we return (let’s see lol). It was funny seeing people’s faces watch us middle-aged folk squealing around on a scooter though. We did laugh. Boy did we laugh!

We treated ourselves to a stay in a fabulous five star hotel, the Porto Bay hotel (behind us in the photos, above) just off the Avenida da Liberdade (where all the exclusive shops are, like Louis Vuitton and Rolex, for example) and we had such an amazing time that we’re booked to go back next week for our friend’s birthday. I can’t wait! I just hope this blasted cold I’ve got is gone by then. I didn’t really take any photos, because we were just chilling out and enjoying ourselves, I didn’t even think about taking my camera with me! The photos, above, are typical tourist snaps kindly taken by our pals.

But that’s enough for now. I’ve gone on long enough. How was your Christmas and what have you been up to since? I hope you’ll share all your posts in the first Neverending Style Link-Up of 2022, below. All subjects are welcome, as you can tell seeing as I didn’t once mention fashion or style in this post LOL. See you next week!

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  1. January 7, 2022 / 7:43 am

    Now this sounds like my kind of Christmas. Lots of variety and a swanky hotel thrown in. The donuts look scrummy! As you know I got Covid. I had actually spent time with all the family. I didn’t pass it on luckily enough. xx

    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 9:53 am

      I’m glad to know you’re ok, Laurie! Thanks so much!
      Suzy xx

  2. January 7, 2022 / 7:44 am

    I forgot to say Happy new year to you both! xx

    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 9:53 am

      Thank you! And Happy New Year to you and Dee too.
      Suzy xx

  3. January 7, 2022 / 2:35 pm

    The scooter picture! So cute!

    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 9:55 am

      LOL Thanks Michele! It was great fun!
      Suzy xx

  4. January 7, 2022 / 3:15 pm

    We eat vegan part of the year during church fasts so I am always interested in recipes. Tonight I am making a delicious soup that tastes like thai food. Yummy. Love these pictures of you and your husband. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 9:56 am

      Thank you! I LOVE Thai food, Mireille. I bet the soup is delicious. I reckon you’ll like some of the recipes I make, I’ll share them soon.
      Suzy xx

  5. January 7, 2022 / 4:55 pm

    What a fun post, Suzy! I don’t know where to begin. First of all, you and Michael are the darn cutest couple I have ever seen! It sounds like you had such an amazing time over the holidays! I knew that you ate a vegan diet, but that is so awesome that Michael has joined you. I don’t know that I could go full vegan because I seriously love milk (cow’s milk specifically). I drink a glass every single night with an intense craving like my body needs it. Oddly, I prefer almond milk for almost everything else but I still chug down a big ole glass of regular cow’s milk on a daily basis! I could probably transition to a vegetarian diet fairly easily though. Actually, I am starting a healthy cleanse on Monday that will be just fruits and veggies for 7 days!

    Now onto your Keanu Reeves comment…I actually cannot stand his acting! HAHAHA….I only liked him in the Bill and Ted movies and the John Wick movies. I still don’t know why I even like John Wick. It is way too violent for my taste, but I think it’s the character’s determination that appeals to me and I do like Keanu in the role. I found the first Matrix movie almost unbearable to watch! Sorry, Keanu and fans!

    Also, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! Send you lots of hugs, my friend.


    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 10:03 am

      Awww thank you so much, Shelbee! I used to love cow’s milk too, but my lactose intolerance made it very difficult for me! Now, I enjoy almond milk in almost everything, although rice milk in my Red Bush tea works better because the almond milk can curdle which is pretty horrid.
      I laughed reading your comments about Keanu Reeves. I adored him in the Bill and Ted movies. Isn’t there a new version out? I remember seeing a trailer but don’t know if it’s out or not. I had a love / hate relationship with the John Wick movies because I loved the premise (and him, of course lol) but I don’t like films that are so full of violence. I agree with you though, I think it’s the character’s determination which made it so watchable! As for the Matrix — this one is SO much better than the others. They made it make more sense, and it’s also full of funny bits which I always love! It’s very cleverly done. As for Keanu himself, I think I just love to watch him in movies because he’s just such a nice, charitable, friendly guy (not to mention very easy on the eye!!).
      Happy New Year to you, Shelbee. I hope 2022 is amazing for you and your lovely family!
      Suzy xx

  6. January 8, 2022 / 11:49 am

    We are planning to go in spring to the UK! Restrictions have softened! How good of you to become vegan. We ate very little meat, well I do, Gerben is bbq man. Sounds like a great time in Lissbon.

    • Suzy
      January 8, 2022 / 12:44 pm

      We’re hoping to get over soon too, Nancy. You never know, we might be there at the same time!
      Suzy xx

  7. January 8, 2022 / 3:05 pm

    It sounds like a fantastic Christmas. I understand that you want to see your family and celebrate Christmas the traditional way. I do. But all this going away, hotel, friends, restaurants and laughter sounds soooo good. I haven’t had this for a long time. We are on another lockdown, so no fun for the time-being.
    Thanks for the happy snapshots.

    • Suzy
      January 9, 2022 / 8:45 am

      You’re right, Greetje. It was wonderful to spend such a different christmas with dear friends! I’m sorry to hear about your lockdown again. Hopefully things will change for the better really soon.
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  8. January 8, 2022 / 4:47 pm

    That’s fantastic that you both decided to go vegan! I’ve been vegan for just over four years now and can honestly say that I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. More demand means more supply so things just keep getting better. I really want to visit Lisbon now! Happy New Year!

    Emma xxx

    • Suzy
      January 9, 2022 / 8:44 am

      I’d forgotten you were vegan, Emma. I think you’ve mentioned it once or twice on the blog. I agree about more demand means more supply which is brilliant! I highly recommend you visit Lisbon and go to ao26, The Green Affair and Botanista - we had the most delicious food in them all, especially ao26 which makes traditional Portuguese food like fish soup but vegan, yet it taste like fish! It was amazing!
      Happy New Year to you too, Emma.
      Suzy xx

  9. January 9, 2022 / 3:33 am

    You had me at donuts! And it sounds like you had a lovely holiday despite the unfortunate change in plans.j
    Happy new year, Suzy.


    • Suzy
      January 9, 2022 / 8:35 am

      LOL I knew the donuts would appeal to everyone, Rena! They really are yummy!
      Happy New Year to you too, lovely!
      Suzy xx

  10. January 9, 2022 / 4:37 am

    What a lovely time you have had! I have never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music…I know you’re in Portugal, but I just had to do it! I want so badly to do any kind of traveling. Spain and now Portugal are on my bucket list. I hope I can make it over the pond! How long does it take to drive to the UK? I’m so sorry you were unable to make it. This virus…I keep hoping it will magically disappear…has made for so much heartache and sorrow.

    You and your husband look like you had a blast on those scooters. I wish Nigel were half as adventurous!

    Thanks so much for the link up!

    • Suzy
      January 9, 2022 / 8:35 am

      Thanks Marsha! Spanish music can be amazing, can’t it? Especially the Spanish guitar! If you ever do make it to Spain, you must come to Portugal too. It’s a bit of a hidden gem! Depending on which route you take to drive to the UK (and whether or not you do part of it by ferry) it can take two to four days. We like to get the ferry from Spain to England and then, on our return, we love the Eurotunnel from England to France and then take a bit of a scenic tour home. There are some beautiful places to visit en route!
      Suzy xx

  11. January 10, 2022 / 1:51 pm

    Lovely pictures of you and Hubby! I enjoyed reading about your Holidays and it certainly sounds like you had a good time. The hotel sounds posh too! Happy Belated Birthday to you Suzy, you young whipersnapper! LOL. I have never tried a scooter, and after a meal, with probably 2 glasses of wine, its probably a good thing:-) Sounds like a bunch of fun.
    jess xx

    • Suzy
      January 15, 2022 / 1:05 pm

      LOL thank you so much, Jess! It’s funny being called a young whippersnapper LOL!
      Suzy xx

  12. January 11, 2022 / 6:06 am

    You are such a cute couple, Suzy. It’s not easy to make a man vegan so kudos to your man for joining you on this journey. My daughter became vegan at the age of 14 and she is the only one in our family. Truth be told, I am not a big supporter of her way of being vegan as she has to take a lot of supplements and eats a lot of fake meets which I can hardly describe as healthy.

    • Suzy
      January 15, 2022 / 1:04 pm

      Thanks, Anna! I know what you mean about the fake meats. We do eat them, but only occasionally, because they’re probably not the healthiest thing in the world! Personally, I like to create dishes using vegetables and nuts—like vegan lasagne, for example. MMmmmmmm delicious!
      Suzy xx

  13. January 11, 2022 / 4:15 pm

    I have cut almost all meat from my diet, too, but I still have it occasionally. For me it has been health reasons. Those vegan donuts look oh so good, almost too pretty to eat! I am sorry about your holiday plans being disrupted. I’m glad you made the best of it!


    • Suzy
      January 15, 2022 / 1:03 pm

      Thank you so much, Carrie! That’s how my vegan diet started…slowly cutting out dairy and then meat. I do feel so much better for it.
      Suzy xx

  14. January 12, 2022 / 1:03 pm

    Happy New Year Suzy and thank you for your hospitality over the last year. In spite of your change of plans you had a fantastic break, what an amazing city! We eat less and less as time goes on so I shall welcome your vegan recipes.

    • Suzy
      January 15, 2022 / 1:02 pm

      Thank you so much, Pamela! I shall try and share some of my favourite recipes soon!
      Suzy xx