My summer dress mission success!

Have you had much of a chance to wear a summer dress this season? I know from reading other blogs that the British summer hasn’t been so good this year. Laurie, from Vanity and Me even said she’s thinking about changing her wardrobe to get her winter clothes out again! For me, that’s hard to get my head around, considering it’s still super scorchio here in Portugal!

Last week, I think I was hotter than I’ve ever been before. Let me explain… it was already super hot, some days reaching temperatures close to 40ºC. On the Monday, I headed over to Carvoeiro (the town where I grew up) to have lunch with a friend I hadn’t seen for a couple of years. Afterwards, I hopped into my car to drive home. The temperature registered 38.5ºC as I drove. But that wasn’t the main problem.

You see my car’s air conditioning isn’t working at the moment. And on top of that, it’s making a loud ticking sound, and the only way to stop the ticking sound is to turn the heating on!! I tried driving with the windows open but the heat from outside was scorching hot. So I tried closing all the windows and just having the air flowing inside the car. Nothing worked of course. And my body temperature felt like it was going through the roof! Add to that, my hormones lol. Anyway, it was the most unpleasant drive that I’ve ever done (apart from that time when I was driving home from shooting a movie scene at 6 o clock in the morning and I needed a pee so badly it hurt lol).

When I got home, I literally stripped off and fell into the pool. Boy did I need that! I stayed in there for about an hour and a half, just floating and reading a book (The Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse). Talk about utter bliss.

Anyway, that wasn’t meant to be the main subject of this post. This was supposed to be about my new summer dress. Well, actually I should say dresses, because I bought three! I’d been wanting the perfect summer dress for some time, but just hadn’t gotten around to shopping for one until Friday. I was on a summer dress mission!

Several hours later though, I’d been into almost every clothes shop in the Aqua shopping centre and I hadn’t come up trumps! I couldn’t find a single dress that I liked. I wanted something with no sleeves, just simple straps, nice floaty fabric and ideally, something long. But I was too late, the shops are now filling up with the Autumn / Winter collections (which is horrible considering it’s so bloomin’ hot!).

There was one last shop I figured I might find something, so I headed over to the Portimao Retail Centre, into C&A (you can now buy online which is great for those of you that don’t have C&A wherever you are). Although it seemed a little emptier than usual (thanks Covid), I found almost what I’d been looking for. A cute little summer dress, in a nice floaty fabric (viscose) with a pretty print. The only thing it wasn’t, was full length. But when I tried it on, I loved it! And the best thing about it? The price. It was only 12.99! Bargain! Anyway, the dress is available in three different prints / colours so I bought all three! I’m delighted with them, and know that they’re all going to get worn to death over the next few years!

I’m wearing the lightest colour one here, with my white leather Ecco trainers, my old Primark denim jacket and my Kipling bumbag. It’s a look that never dates—the summer dress, trainers and denim jacket combo and I just love it. What about you? Do you ever style your summer dress this way?



  1. August 23, 2021 / 3:14 pm

    If it is so hot, then surely sneakers and a denim jacket are far too warm to wear???
    That is what I don’t like about this sneaker fashion, they look cute but are really too warm in summer.
    And you grew up in Portugal? I thought you would be 100% English, born and bred.

  2. August 23, 2021 / 11:38 pm

    I love this style of dress, Suzy, and your floral version is super cute! Yikes-that means over 100 degrees to my way of thinking!! Yes, the pool is THE place to be! Here in Southern California, we’ve had a weird overcast couple of weeks which is definitely NOT our usual August. I would love some heat! Along the coast, here, however, high 70s is usually our max. Honestly, is there anything worse than car trouble!!??? Stay cool…

    xx Darlene

  3. August 24, 2021 / 3:06 pm

    This is adorable! Glad you picked up the different prints: good for now in the heat and later in the fall! It has been hot here but not too crazy hot as in other years. I wore more dresses at the beginning of summer, now I am kind of ready for pants so I wear them when I know I won’t be outdoors much. Glad you were able to jump in the pool after that car ride!! No AC in a car when it is that hot, no fun!

  4. August 25, 2021 / 1:07 am

    Love love love that dress! And the way you’ve styled it.

    Why is it that when I hear you speak I think British? LOL Not that I’m an accent specialist or anything… It’s been hot here too. I actually went sleeveless at work today, which is totally unlike me because I always wear cardigans. Such a librarian. LOL

  5. August 27, 2021 / 6:59 am

    That’s a great style on you and would look good in winter with biker boots and a polo neck! Our summer has been disappointing to put it mildly, I had some new shorts and hardly wore them! The only good thing was we had a nice week of weather for our holiday. I can imagine how awful it must be in the car in scorching temperatures without AC. x