Little style ideas for comfort when you’re feeling under the weather

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Bleurgh, feeling poorly is horrible. It may not be anything serious. For all you know, it could be a simple cold. But everything feels uncomfortable and unpleasant. Like, for me, over the past few weeks I’ve had several tummy bugs, a nasty hayfever/allergy attack AND a cold! Unfortunately, cold or not, some days, you simply can’t stay in bed. There’s stuff to do, places to visit, or work to finish, and you’ve got no choice but to get dressed for the day. For all these days when you can hear your bed calling you, your priority is to pick an outfit that will make you feel better.  Here are some style ideas for comfort.

Stretch and layers

Let’s be realistic. If you’ve caught a cold, your body temperature is probably going to fluctuate a lot during the day. Hot flushes, then suddenly you’re cold again, and so on. Mind you, it could be peri-menopause too, but regardless of what it is, comfort must be your priority. Nothing can beat a pair of stretchy jeans for comfort, whether you need to move around or you’re simply sitting down on a chair. Add some layers on top, adding a shirt or a cardigan over your top. It will help control the unpleasant up and down while your body temperature tries to find the middle way. 


Ideally, you want to remove your jewellery when you are poorly. So, if you wear body piercings, this is your sign to remove them and clean them. Feeling a little feverish could be linked to a piercing infection, so it’s always worth checking. Alternatively, did you know you could develop an allergy to your piercing? You don’t want to remove your piercing for too long. But you can keep them out for a few hours up to a day to see if it makes any difference. I decided to remove my belly button piercing last year (after wearing it for over twenty years!), but I thought my tummy looked so odd without it, I ended up putting it back in again lol. However, it did feel nice to remove it just for a short while.

If you find out that you are sensitive about the jewellery you wear, opting for anti-allergen material such as titanium can be a good idea. The good news is that titanium is a popular choice from a nose stud to a labret stud from UBJ. So, you are likely to easily find what you need. 

As for adding jewellery accessories, for the time being, it’s best to avoid jewellery altogether. Personally, I can’t bear to wear jewellery when I’m not feeling so good. As well as my bra, it’s the first thing I take off!

Make up or no make up?

A cold never comes alone. The sneezes, the tissues, the red nose, the teary eyes, we all know what a cold looks like! Being ill will affect your look in many ways. The cold gives you a red nose. Fever can give you red cheeks. Your face may seem a little ashen if you have a stomach bug (Yeah…been there, done that—all last week lol). The bottom line: illness is not aesthetically appealing. 

There’s no need for make up. But if you wish to feel a little less self-conscious about how tired or haggard you look, you can instead use a sickness-proof skincare routine:

  • Cleanse your face to remove sweat and eventual germs.
  • Exfoliate gently on the cheeks, chin, and forehead. This will unclog your pores. Avoid the nose if it is already stuffy and red! 
  • Apply a serum to protect the skin. Follow up with a moisturiser. 

This simple routine will help clean and hydrate your face. It serves two purposes. Number one: You look less like death itself. Number two: you can avoid inflammation or irritation.

These simple style ideas for comfort and sick days can be a game-changer for your comfort and mood. But, in the meantime, let’s hope you don’t need it at all! 


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