Just a quick note….I posted this yesterday but, unfortunately, I’ve not been very well this week so haven’t been able to take any photos for the Neverending Style link-up, so I’m simply cheating and add the link-up to the post from yesterday! Hugs x
I recently joined a fabulous group of women for a global writing challenge—Gail from Is This Mutton (UK) Deb from Deb’sWorld (Australia), Mary Katherine from MK’s Adventures in Style (USA), Penny from Frugal Fashion Shopper (UK), Australian blogger Sue Loncaric from Women Living Well After 50, Leslie Clingan from Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After and Marsha from Marsha In The Middle. On the third Thursday of every month we’ll respond to the prompt “Tell Us About XXX” which could cover any subject matter. It could be a blog post with opinions or memories; a poem, photos, anything at all. Last month, the challenge was Legacy and was prompted by Leslie. This month, Marsha chose the prompt of Home Towns…
When I was just ten years old, my family and I packed our bags and left our home town of Rotherham (South Yorkshire, England) and made the big move to Portugal. Our new home was in a smaller town called Lagoa, and let me tell you, it was so small that they decided to call it a city a few years back! I mean, that’s quite a stretch for a town with such a cozy vibe, but hey, it’s the thought that counts, right? Back then, we lived in the countryside about a ten minutes drive to Lagoa where really there was very little to do. It was 1986, I was ten.
Now, let’s talk about Portimao, the place that became my home town about 18 years ago. It has its good sides and not-so-great ones, but one thing’s for sure–it’s right on the sea, and that makes it a lovely spot for a leisurely morning coffee. Picture yourself sipping your favourite brew while gazing out at the sparkling waters. It can be pure magic on a Sunday morning, watching the little boats go by. Mind you, I prefer it in the winter season when there’s not so many people about.
Above photos were all taken over the past few years. None are current!
Portimao is also where you’ll find our local shopping centre, Aqua, which has everything from the likes of Primark, H&M, Bershka, Pull & Bear to a huge supermarket, health shops and more. But, like many places, the rise of the shopping centre kind of did a number on the high street. It’s bittersweet, really, because you miss those small, charming shops, but you can’t deny the convenience of having everything you need in one place. And I love shopping centres! We also have a Retail Park in Portimao too, with some interesting shops (including C&A!). And…about a decade ago, my favourite retail park (different from the one, above) burnt to the ground. Excitingly though, they’re finally re-building! I’m looking forward to seeing what shops will be there.
Portimao is also home to the captivating Sardine Museum, a unique attraction that delves into the deep cultural ties between sardines and Portuguese life. These little fish have played a big role in the region’s history, from economic significance to culinary traditions. Even as vegans, we can appreciate the cultural and historical aspect of this museum, making it an educational and enlightening visit.
As for nightlife, you’d have to head west just a little bit to Praia da Rocha (it still comes under Portimao though), which certainly knows how to have a good time. The bars and clubs come to life after the sun goes down, and you can dance the night away or simply enjoy a cocktail while listening to some great music. We don’t go clubbing any more (or whatever you call it these days!) but we quite like heading to Tokyo Restaurant for some vegan sushi! It’s not a vegan restaurant by any means but it does have some yummy options for us non meat and non fish eaters!
One thing I must say, the Algarve is known for its stunning beaches, and Portimao is no exception. Praia da Rocha is a gem with golden sands and dramatic cliffs. If you’re into watersports or simply want to soak up the sun, this beach is the place to be. Or you could get a water taxi across the bay from Portimao into the charming little fishing village of Ferragudo which also boasts a beautiful beach for watersports.
Portimao may have its ups and downs, like any other place, but there’s no denying its charm. So, if you ever find yourself in the Algarve, don’t forget to swing by Portimao for a dose of sea, sun, and a taste of local life.
Penny throughout her childhood lived in 3 very different places but could hardly call them her Home Towns but she thinks what she does remember of them might be of interest. On reflection, after writing this piece, she now thinks there ought to be a Part 2 where she reminisces about the many other places she’s lived in, but Part 1 will have to do for now! https://frugalfashionshopper.co.uk/
Gail from Is This Mutton explains why she’s a Janner as she takes us on a tour of Plymouth in the south west of England. The city is famous for the Pilgrim Fathers and felled trees.
Debbie lives in a very small rural town in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains of NSW Australia, with the captivating name of Tumbarumba. She’s made the town her home, with her husband and three daughters (now grown up and flown the nest), for over 30 years and is almost considered a ‘local’. It has a poem all about Tumba-bloody-Rumba…read more at www.debs-world.com
Even though this month’s prompt was Marsha’s idea, she wasn’t quite sure what road to follow. She decided to just meander her way through memories and places from her hometown. https://marshainthemiddle.com/
From the moment I drove into El Paso, Texas on Thanksgiving weekend, 1988, I felt like I was home. The Franklin Mountains tower over this big little city and divide the town in two. The people are humble, hardworking and friendly; accepting of all cultures and ethnicities. But this jewel in the desert southwest is being crippled by the incredible number of people crossing into this border town and impacting an already financially strained and impoverished community. My heart is breaking for my hometown. https://onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com/tell-us-about-10-2023-whats-happening-to-my-hometown
Mary Katherine loves her hometown, which is quite different from its famous namesake, and pronounced differently, too! MK’s Adventures in Style
A chic and picturesque place! I do envy you for those golden sands and the weather! You’re right about out of town shopping malls killing off town centres. In the case of my home town, Plymouth, it more the slump in the economy that ruined the city centre shops. There’s nothing remotely unique or independent in the centre now, and just one dept store which remains (and is a shadow of its former self). xx
This was a great post Suzy and tells us so much about your home towns. The sea being so close would be a fabulous bonus! Portimao sounds charming and the history and old buildings look amazing. I’ve not been to Portugal (yet) so it all sounds delightful and I’d love to visit one day. These prompts are always such fun and we learn so much about each other don’t we?
The first post I read made me wonder why home town meant where we grew up not where our home currently is so I’m glad you covered that. Home is such an interesting concept. And I find it fascinating why people choose to live where they do.It all looks pretty stunning to me. I’m not seeing the bad or downs that you allude to! #TellMeAbout
Hi Suzy I’m sorry you aren’t well but I enjoyed reading your Home Town post. Moving to Portugal from England at a young age must have been like an adventure. We have visited Lisbon but would love to discover Portugal in more depth. Thanks for sharing and sending best wishes for a speedy recovery x
Your hometown sounds like a really wonderful place to live. And, having the ocean right there…I don’t think I would ever leave! I hope you’re feeling better soon. Oh, and I really like your hair shoulder length! Thanks for the link up!
Thanks for sharing your hometown. It really is interesting to read more about where everyone is living. Love this aspect of blogging as we connect from across the world.
You live in a really beautiful place - it sounds idyllic, but I get that it must be much better in the winter. And what a journey your parents took you on. It’s quite a thing to change countries - they sound very enterprising!
Lovely post with great pics 🙂
I’ve been to Lagos. It was the end of our trip down the coast from Lisbon. We loved every bit of Portugal that we saw. The beaches, the villages, and the friendly people. Thanks for sharing your corner of it. I’d love to come back some time. Bernie
I’d love to hear and see more about your home town Suzy. I think online shopping since Covid has created a bigger problem for the high-street. I hope you feel better xx
It looks like you live in such a beautiful area!
Portimao sounds delightful, with the sea and charming buildings everywhere Suzy! I’ve not been to Portugal (yet) and really want to go now! I really enjoyed your stories and photos of your home town. It’s such a great prompt for us to share ideas and always so interesting!
Sorry you are were not feeling well. I was sick all last weekend and it is not fun. But LOVE your photos they are great.Thanks for sharing!!
Allie of
Suzy. I loved reading all these posts. So intriguing and better than a tourist brochure x