Not the best festive season but exciting times ahead | Link-up

I wish I had a selection of photos featuring fabulous outfits worn throughout the festive season but alas, I have not. Our festive season has consisted mainly of snotty and blocked noses, achy bodies, coughs galore and barely leaving the house! It even consisted of a horrendous medical scare and an ambulance trip to the hospital for our Christmas house guest (my stepfather-in-law) who collapsed on my birthday. Fortunately he was released the following morning, only to get hit with this awful head cold. He has since returned home to the UK where he continues to suffer with it. As you can imagine, it’s not been the best end of year celebration. In fact, New Year’s Eve, I was curled up in bed by 9am! Every time I think I’m feeling better, it hits me again the next day. Today though, I finally feel like it’s coming to a much-needed end (fingers crossed).

Even though we felt like shite over the holidays, we did manage to have a lovely Christmas day with the two ‘dads’ (my dad and Michael’s stepdad). See pics above. I received some fabulous Christmas and birthday gifts (including some wonderful sewing books and paraphernalia which I can’t wait to start using). My bestie also gave me a gift which is so me—you might have seen it on my Instagram. If not, here it is…

It’s Thing from The Addams Family!! Isn’t it fab?! It sits on my desk and keeps me company while I’m working lol!! I absolutely love it! She also made the cute little cushion for it to sit on.

We watched a tonne of movies over Christmas, mainly because there’s little else to do when you’re feeling pants, is there? One favourite was the true story of Nyad who, at 64 years old, attempted to be the first person ever to swim from Cuba to Florida. Wow! What an inspiration that woman is! if you get the chance to see it, I highly recommend it. It really makes you think. In fact, I wonder if watching that movie is one of the reasons that really got me thinking about life lately…

Turning 48 on Boxing Day and not feeling well and has made me re-assess things in my own life and I came to a decision that is quite exciting in a way. You know how I love YouTube and social media and all that stuff, and I really want to make a go of it, but I also need to start getting out more, so I’m starting a new series where I’ll document myself doing things that scare me. Now, I’m not going to start jumping out of planes or anything like that, but I am going to start pushing my own personal limits. I’ve always been the scaredy cat, nervous of falling and hurting myself, or making a fool of myself in some way. Well, that stops now. And I figured if I can document it for YouTube, then it will make me more likely to do it. Do you know what I mean?

I’m talking about learning to ride a motorbike, surfing lessons, sailing, kayaking (bearing in mind I’m quite terrified of the ocean, especially the waves), hot air ballooning, abseiling (I’m quite nervous of heights too), acro yoga, dance classes, archery, etc, etc. You might think it’s all rather basic and nothing to write home about but to me, it’s quite a big step. I’m nervous but very excited! I haven’t organised anything yet because of this bloody head cold but hopefully I’ll be all set to start soon. So stay tuned!

On top of that, I’m also planning on having a lesson in various different creative pursuits and documenting that on YouTube too. I thought that would be fun—pottery, painting, knitting, sewing, glass-making, candle-making, soap-making and so on. There’ll also be visits to wineries and other places throughout the country that will appeal to viewers. Not only will it be about me and how I challenge myself, but I also want it to be a way of promoting this fabulous country I call home, too.

I’ve just posted a video about it on my Suzy Turner channel (which, incidentally, I’ve given yet another overhaul with a fun new banner and silly avatar lol). I’ll embed the video below if you fancy checking it out!

I’ve certainly warbled on a bit haven’t I? How was your Christmas? I do hope you had a better time of it than we did! I’d love to hear what you got up to so please link up all your posts below…

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And here’s come cuteness overload for you: Luna
6 comments so far.

6 responses to “Not the best festive season but exciting times ahead | Link-up”

  1. So many have complained of similar colds Suzy. I had it too. I look forward to watching what you get up to on YouTube xx

  2. batennancy says:

    Oh my, what a pity you felt the way you did. Especially during the holidays. I hope you are okay now. And what a exciting goals you have, love to follow hoe that goes!

  3. Andrea Nine says:

    Oh Suzy, I’m so sorrry you were ill and about your step FIL. I hope everybody is better now as we slide into a new year. You are beautiful and happy belated birthday. I am glad you got to enjoy a lovely Christmas Day. Cheers to happy and healthy days ahead!

  4. mireille says:

    Can’t wait to see some of your adventures! December and January haven’t been fun around here… NOt how I expected the end of 2023 and start of a new year to be.

  5. shelbeeontheedge1 says:

    Oh no, Suzy, I am so sorry to hear that you were all unwell during the holidays. We all had Covid just before the holidays so we enjoyed relaxing and resting over the holidays with lots of early bedtimes. I also watched Nyad while I spent those Covid days on the couch. I watched lots and lots of shows between napping. Ha. The pillow your friend made for Thing is absolutely brilliant! What a fun gift. And I love your ideas for YouTube! I am not much of a video watcher but I will try to check some out. Have fun on your scary adventures!


  6. csuhpat1 says:

    I hope that you feel better soon. That “Thing” hand is so very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

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