My honest thoughts about Noracora dresses

A few weeks ago, I was approached by Noracora and asked if I would like to receive a selection of their dresses in lieu of an honest review on the blog. My initial thought was no, I don’t think so. But then I started to think ‘why not?’. My readers might want to know my opinion on some of the Noracora dresses. So, I chose four from the selection they gave me…

When they arrived and I opened them (each packaged rather nicely in individual bags), I thought they all looked huge, considering I’d ordered a size small for each one. But later when I tried them on, I was quite surprised that they weren’t as big as they appeared to be. Let me tell you my thoughts on each one…

My favourite Noracora dress

When I opened this one, I was immediately disappointed by the print. I thought it looked a bit cheap. However, when I put it on, all that changed! It was rather bizarre really. But I felt really pretty in it. It no longer looked, or felt cheap. It fitted me beautifully. The only issue I had was I had to go braless because I haven’t got a bra the right shape. But I will get one, because I do intend to wear this Noracora dress this summer.

My second favourite Noracora dress

This dress is made out of the best fabric. It just feels soft and comfortable enough to wear, and will be the perfect dress to wear over a swimsuit to go to the beach. It is a little big up top, but at least it has adjustable straps. I’ve got them as tight as they will go and it’s still a bit loose. However, for a summer casual dress, it’s not necessarily something that will bother me. I really rather like this one.

The dress I’m unsure about…

Okay, so this is the one that when I opened it I thought it looked massive. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. It actually fits me perfectly. However, it’s quite low cut for my taste, and the elastic bit around the thighs is a little bothersome. Plus, the fabric shows up every tiny little lump and bump. It does look pretty good though. On the other hand, the heaviness of the polyester was making me start to sweat. It might be ok in the winter, perhaps. But I’m not sold on this one.

The dress I didn’t like at all

Can you tell by my face that I’m not impressed with this one? I don’t like the fabric at all. I had hoped that it would be super light and airy but there’s almost a scratchiness to it. That’s not the right word. It’s not an itchy fabric. It’s just not soft and for this kind of dress, I would have much preferred something softer and floatier, because it’s a lovely long length. The other problem is that it’s been made for women with very long arms! I can just about reach the pockets but can’t keep my hands in them without hiking the dress up. And finally, the buttons. They’re there for no reason at all, and they’re not even straight. Having said all that, I just might remove the buttons and wear this dress around the house when I need something to just chuck on.

So, my final thoughts on the Noracora dresses? Out of the four I chose, two are actually not bad at all, but the others could use some improvements. I will definitely be wearing the first two this summer, because both of them made me feel pretty and that’s always a good thing. But is a 50% chance worth the risk of buying? Erm, I’m not so sure. Considering the dresses come all the way from China, makes it difficult to send anything back. Have you ever tried Noracora? What are your thoughts? And what are your favourite kinds of summer dresses?



  1. April 27, 2022 / 12:39 pm

    I’ve tried Noracora before a few years ago. They did have some cute things. but I had a few experiences similar to yours where the clothes had odd aspects. You did get some winners especially with the first 2 dresses!

  2. April 27, 2022 / 10:48 pm

    It’s always difficult to wear dresses online. I have had very little luck with Amazon for example even after seeing dresses on other real people. I do love the 3 first ones and that first one is really gorgeous. I am trying not too buy from certain companies/countries that are not known for fair working conditions so that would be my top negative to ordering from this company.

  3. April 29, 2022 / 1:35 am

    You look stunning in the all of the dresses but the third…I’m not sure anyone would look good in that! I do like the first best, too! It is such a cool print!

    • Suzy
      May 3, 2022 / 9:54 am

      Thank you so much, Marsha! I guess the one person who did look good in that dress was the model on the website LOL!!!!
      Suzy xx

  4. April 29, 2022 / 8:01 am

    Your favourite dress has such an unusual pattern - I love the gold, it looks iridescent. I don’t think the last two are for you - they just look ordinary, and you’re far from ordinary. Have a great weekend and thanks for linking xx

    • Suzy
      May 3, 2022 / 9:53 am

      Awww thanks Gail!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  5. April 29, 2022 / 2:21 pm

    Yes to 1 and 2, and.I agree that 3 and 4 have draw backs!

  6. April 29, 2022 / 2:26 pm

    That first dress is just “WOW!” You look fabulous in it. And I think the next two are quite attractive as well. But yes, I would definitely save a long -sleeved polyester dress for winter. The last…., I totally see your point.

    I have two more to review. One of mine is a long sleeved polyester maxi - which I wanted all winter long. It will be too late to wear it now, except for review purposes, until next winter.


    • Suzy
      May 3, 2022 / 9:52 am

      Thank you so much, Michelle! I’m excited to see what others dresses you chose, because that white one you featured was gorgeous on you!
      Suzy xx

  7. April 29, 2022 / 4:11 pm

    Love the first two Suzy, they really show your fabulous figure off. Have a super week hun, hows the weather doing in Portugal?
    Jacqui x

  8. April 30, 2022 / 1:01 pm

    Aw, Suzy, they are all really super cute dresses and I appreciate your attention to details in your review. The older I get, the pickier I become about how the fabric feels against my skin. I can no longer tolerate cheap unsoft things on my body! And those are the hardest things to tell about a garment when shopping online. Which is why I don’t shop online very frequently! I really like the tie dye dress the best but that’s just because I am such a tie dye hippie girl!


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