Did you know my maiden name is Greenwood? Perhaps that explains my green obsession? I don’t know. There’s just something about the colour green that makes me giddy. It’s just so beautiful. I want to have everything in green these days. In fact, my house is painted green—on the outside and mostly on the inside too. Now I know that might sound a bit strange for a house colour, but it’s kind of like a green olive kind of colour. I love it (obv).
Soon though, we’ll be leaving our beautiful house that has been home for over 15 years to move to pastures new. Erm…well, perhaps not quite new because we’re moving right next door. Hang on, let me explain. About five years ago, we bought the plot adjacent to this house and began the (long and laborious process) of designing a new home. The designing stage wasn’t long and laborious, I should clarify. It’s everything that’s been happening since. Let’s just say, the bureaucracy in this country can be a bit of a nightmare. Anyway, we’re getting there (at a snail’s pace), but if all goes well, we’re hoping to commence building this summer.
In the meantime, we have agreed a sale of this house, and must move out in a few months. So…we’re moving into another house in the same cul-de-sac! Exciting times, huh?! But I have completely digressed. I was talking about my green obsession. One of the reasons I keep thinking about it (green, that is), is I’ve already started planning the colour schemes and, even though, the new house walls will be entirely white this time, I can’t wait to add lots of green everywhere else lol! So, my green obsession continues.
But it’s not just household items, walls and wardrobes, for instance, that I love in green; I also love green clothes, green jewellery, green shoes, green bags, green ornaments, green plants, green nails, green lamps, green tiles, green….shall I continue? LOL (as you can see from all the outfit photos, above). Anyway, I went into such a long internet wormhole the other day, that I decided to start a new series dedicated entirely to my green obsession! I stumbled across some real green gems (for the wardrobe, the home, garden, pets, etc) that I thought I would start sharing some of this gorgeousness with you, every single week. So, if you love green, or you know someone who does, please pop over every Wednesday to find out my amazing green discoveries. I’m calling this new series, Shades of Green for obvious reasons lol.
A select few of these green beauties will be rather pricey (!), but I just had to share them because they simply took my breath away! So, let me show some green beauties…
I wrote in a recent post that I wanted to look and feel beautiful again. It’s a general feeling that I think a lot of us are having right now, after the past two years of mostly been stuck at home with no parties or posh dinners to go to. So, I really let me imagination run wild with some of these gorgeous dresses and shoes, etc. I hope one of these days, I’ll get the chance to wear something dressy again…
Those are some beautiful shades of green: I love the richness of it and it suits you well! How long is the construction of the new house expected to take?
Thanks Mireille! Once it actually starts, we expect it to take about two years. Fingers crossed we can get started soon. I’ll obviously be blogging all about it lol!
Suzy xx
Your moving is a series in itself. Girl, that’s a lot!! But I know you’re super excited about your new home. I can’t wait to see it. I love your current space.
I’ve started wearing a lot of green lately, which is funny since my favorite color is purple {the color I wear the least}.
Thank you so much, Daenel! I can’t wait to get started.
I LOVE purple too, and think it’s the best colour with green! Gorgeous!
Suzy xx
How exciting that is to build a new home! Hope to see photos of it soon. Or house is on the inside totally white with some grey accents. I love green clothing too, after black of course!
Ooh! A brand new house! And Ewwww, having to move in between. LOL! But really awesome! I am quite partial to all of the cool colors, so I’ll be happy visit your weekly green exploration.
It’s funny, Suzy, I love green in everything but clothing! I seriously have very little true green clothing! I’m not exactly sure why! But, every room on our first floor (except the morning room which faces west so shouldn’t it be an evening room) is green! They are all on the same color chip and I love the way all of the colors play together! We are thinking of moving, too, but we are always just that little bit too late. The housing market here is just bonkers! House are selling for thousands over asking! Hopefully, something will come through for us! I can’t wait to “build alongside you”! And, you are stunning in green so I can see why you love it! My maiden name was Rose and I do like rose colored things (especially glasses)!
I don’t have enough green in my closet! What a fun idea for a series!
Jill - Doused in Pink
Thanks Jill! Even though I absolutely love green, I wish I had more in my wardrobe too!
Suzy xx