My first blog post… September 2008
Recently, I noticed a few of my blogger friends writing about their blogaversaries, so I thought I’d look back to see when it all started for me. It turns out it was as far back as 22nd September 2008, when I hit publish on my first blog post. It was nothing fancy, just a bit of background about myself and my life in Portugal. Although my first blog was, I called myself Iberian Bird for a while, until I just reverted to Suzy Turner. And then, on the 4th June 2015, I moved over to—a blog I still maintain today to promote my own books, book cover design work, and all other bookish and photographic topics. It’s my creative outlet, whereas the Grey Brunette is my style and lifestyle outlet.
I’ve had a multitude of other blogs along the way too—mostly related to books and writing. Fiction Dreams, for instance, was my book blog promoting everybody else’s books, as well as my own. It went well, I used to get sent books from publishers and other authors all the time. But in the end, I realised it was taking up too much of my own creative time so I shut it down. I held the domain name of Fiction Dreams for a few years, in hindsight perhaps I should have tried to sell it because I see now it’s up for sale for over 8000 dollars!! lol. All of the Fiction Dreams content is still available on Suzy’s Fiction Dreams though. I ran a few different book trailer blogs for a while too, but they ended up taking way too much of my time.
Some people might think I’ve had too many fingers in too many pies (is that the right expression?? My hormonal brain isn’t working so well right now lol!), but I love everything that I’ve been doing over the past thirteen years, and I love how I’ve evolved too. It all started with writing some basic blog posts, to writing and publishing my own novels (to which there are 13 so far, I think!), learning the basics of graphic design in order to produce my own book covers, to moving into style and fashion posts in my forties. This love of taking style photos led to a love of photography, which, more recently, has led me back to book cover design. The funny thing is, I never considered myself to be a visually creative person. My friends used to tell me otherwise, but I never felt it. Until now.
Isn’t it funny how we feel about such things? It’s really rather obvious to me now that I AM a visually creative person. I mean, look at some of my style photos…there is certainly creativity involved in getting dressed to look good, right? And even more so, in creating pretty pictures for the blog. I know I’m probably writing myself around in circles here, but do you know what I mean?? I am creative in so many ways and when that realisation hit me, it hit me right in the stomach—in a good way! It excites me. It revs me on. It makes me want to laugh out loud and create, create, create!!
Some of my earlier style photos
Some of my more creative style photos
Some of the book covers I’ve created using my own photos
LOL this is probably one of the weirdest blog posts I’ve written! And it all started after reading Shelbee’s Six Year Blogaversary and Emma’s Ten Year Blogaversary posts and then checking out my first blog post from all those years ago! What excites you in a creative way? I’d love to know! So please share in the comments below. For now though, let’s get on with the 27th Neverending Style Link-Up…

My favourite last week caught my eye for obvious reason! I mean, just check out this FABULOUS pair of blue shoes!! I need them in my life. They’re simply beautiful! Celyn, of Life’s a Shoe, is styling an outfit completely head to toe in blue and she looks marvellous! Go check out her post if you haven’t already. Then please add up all your fab posts! See you soon xx
My blog anniversary passed without me even realising this year Suzy. I often laugh at some of my earlier posts and photos (what was I thinking!) I often feel humble about my journey and how it still excites me to learn more about creating different content, often feeling very lucky on the verge of sixty living my best life.
Another thing that I like is about how our little group all started around the same time and we are all still in touch. And as for you not thinking you’re creative? What was you thinking!?
Laurie xx
Thanks Laurie! I laugh at some my earlier posts too — the photos can look so dated can’t they?! lol. I love how our little group have stayed close knit. I’d love it if we could all get together for a proper meet up one of these days!
Suzy xx
Suzy, I love this post so much! I had no idea you had your hands in that many pies for so many years! Haha. But so much fabulously creative stuff came out of it! I never considered myself a creatively artistic person either, but now I’m like WTF?! Of course I’m creative! I am looking to purchase a camera soon and try my hand at that (I have only ever used my cell phone for photos). And I also have been toying with the idea of trying to paint some of the bipolar imagery that pops into my head! Thanks for the little shout out on my blogiversary post!
Ohh…btw, I have been slowly making my way through The Raven Witch Sage. I freaking love it but I just don’t have much time for reading! So I end up picking it up like once every few weeks and I tear through about 75 pages before it gets put back down for a few more weeks. Anyway, when I eventually finish reading it, I want to video chat with you! I have lots of fun questions to ask! Let’s do an interview for a blog post!
Shelbee, you always make my day with your wonderful comments! Thank you so much, my friend! And thank you for being so kind about The Raven Witch Saga. It’ll be funny talking about it, because I have probably forgotten so much about it by now LOL!! It seems so long ago when I actually wrote it. Actually I think it was around ten years ago now when I wrote the first part!
I love how creative you are, and I would LOVE to see your paintings. I would imagine they’ll be a little bonkers but full of colour lol (I mean that in the best sense!).
I can’t believe all your photos have always been on your phone! You’ll be amazed when you get a camera. If you can, I recommend you get a 50mm lens too, because the photos tend to be quite dreamy (and the bokeh they produce looks gorgeous!).
Huge hugs, my friend!
Suzy xx
Thank you for taking time and hosting this link party for us!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much Sinziana! I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!
Suzy xx
Oh those book covers are amazing! You should be so proud of all that you do! I don’t even know the exact date of my first blog post. It was in 2015 that I know. Lol.
Thank you so much, Nancy! You are so kind!
I hope you’re having a fabulous birthday week!
Suzy xx
Wow, Suzy! I would say there is NO DOUBT that you are a creative person! Your book covers are truly amazing as is your blog story! I think it so healthy to experiment and try new things-that’s what make us grow as people, and your journey is evidence of that. As is your lifelong learning-something we all need to cultivate. I used to do all kinds of crafts and when I ended my official educational admin career (I’m still coaching and consulting, however), I decided to start a blog to keep my creative side alive and share my love of putting outfits together. So here I am! Learning new things Lol!
Thanks for sharing your story. I loved reading about it.
xx Darlene
Darlene, you have totally made my day! Thank you so much for your very kind words. I do love to learn, I always have, although I did have a big gap in my twenties when I probably wasn’t as excited as now lol! It’s funny how our attitudes to such things changes as we get older.
I love that you’re keeping your creative side alive with your blog. It’s such a fun thing to do isn’t it? It’s also wonderful to meet such amazing like-minded women too!
Big hugs, my friend
Suzy xx
So many fabulous and creative photo shoots! That photo of you with the axe on your shoulder looks like a magazine shoot, it’s brilliant. Those book covers are amazing too! Thanks so much for the mention! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Emma xxx
Emma, you’ve just made my day! Thank you so much, gorgeous!
Suzy xx