The made-for-me trousers from Zara & link-up

A couple of weeks ago, I popped into Zara and stumbled across these made-for-me trousers. Seriously, they fit so well, it’s like they were designed for me! And I didn’t even try them on in the shop, I just bought them, hoping they’d fit. I couldn’t believe it when I got them home and slipped them on…and they fit just like a glove. I think they only cost ten euros too. Bargain!

The only thing I would change if I could, is to add lining to the trousers. Other than that, I think I’ll be getting loads of wear out of them. On this occasion, I decided to wear them with an emerald green long-sleeved top to match my green coat from Salsa, and my gorgeous black Doc Martens. Topped off with a fabulous necklace that I bought a few years ago from, er, well…I can’t remember but it’s fabulous, right? I then grabbed my oldest black leather handbag and walked out the door. But not before putting my hair up, for a change. I bought this giant black scrunchie from Shein last year. It’s cute, but a bit big. But it does it’s job.

In other news, you might have noticed that we didn’t have a Fab40s post this month. Well, that’s because a few of the girls had to leave the group and so Shelbee and I made the decision to stop it altogether. But worry not because…drum roll…we’re starting a new collaboration, every first Monday of the month. We had loads of fun coming up with this idea but the new collab will be called Songful Style and will feature outfits inspired by music. Cool, huh? The very first one will be this coming Monday where we’ll be styling Nancy Sinatra’s famous song, These Boots Were Made for Walking. So stay tuned!

What have you been up to / wearing this week? I hope you’ll add all your fab posts to the Neverending Style Link-up. See you next week!

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  1. February 4, 2022 / 6:42 am

    Suzy, this ensemble is amazingly brilliant and you look fabulous. The green of your jacket and top is gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing how you all spin your inspirations with the new “Songful Style” collaboration.


    • Suzy
      February 4, 2022 / 9:52 am

      Thanks Rena! I can totally imagine you in this outfit—and you would look amazingly brilliant in it too!
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  2. February 4, 2022 / 9:47 am

    I like the trousers. LOVE that jacket! I’m on the hunt for something warm like this. Have a lovely weekend Suzy xx

    • Suzy
      February 4, 2022 / 9:51 am

      Thanks, Laurie! I bought it a few years ago from Salsa when I was bit slimmer, so it’s a little bit snug and I can only wear it with think tops underneath! But I just fell in love with the colour and had to have it. Do you have Cortefiel over there? Because I did spot a few lovely jackets in their sale a few days ago.
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  3. February 4, 2022 / 10:40 am

    Those pants do look so good on you, what a bargain find! 🙂 Always nice when you buy something and it works out perfectly! 🙂

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope that you have a nice weekend planned 🙂

    • Suzy
      February 7, 2022 / 4:02 pm

      Thank you so much, Mica! We did have a lovely weekend. I hope you did too!
      Suzy xx

  4. February 4, 2022 / 12:00 pm

    Suzy, this outfit is freaking fantastic! Those pants are gorgeous, but I’m with Laurie, the coat is magnificent! I am dying over the color! I am so excited for our new series! Nancy already said she is going to send us photo for Walkin’ Boots! Yay! But we are posting on the first Monday of every month…you wrote the second Monday. I have a second Monday of the month collaboration with Stylish Monday. But if we need to switch our date around, we can always go back to the last Monday. Or whatever. I’m flexible. We’ll work it all out as we go! Because you know that’s how I roll. Haha.


  5. February 4, 2022 / 3:12 pm

    I will be there! Outfits inspired by music Yay! Suzy, I love this outfit on you and what a steal on the trousers! Isnt it great when it comes together and you dnt even have to try them on! I am in love with that puffer coat! What a beautiful jewel tone on you.
    Enjoy the weekend!
    jess xx

  6. February 4, 2022 / 3:48 pm

    I love this outfit, Suzy! That shade of green is gorgeous, and looks great with your new Zara slacks. I love it when I gets perfect fit like that.


  7. February 4, 2022 / 4:00 pm

    I know Songful Style will be a fun read!

  8. February 4, 2022 / 4:16 pm

    It’s always great to find pants that fit perfectly! I have not found many like that but I do have a couple favorites! The first thing I noticed was your necklace and I think it is perfect to complete the look. Loving this green puffer on you too.

  9. February 4, 2022 / 5:40 pm

    I love your bargain trousers and fabulous green jacket! My daughter has a jacket like that - I wish it was big enough for me! Looking forward to the new collaboration! Thanks for linking up, hope you have a great weekend!

    Emma xxx

  10. February 5, 2022 / 3:38 am

    Suzy, you look stunning in this color! And, you’re right…those trousers look like they were made just for you! I remember when that song came out. My mom went right out and bought the album. I sure wish I had some of her vinyl now! Thanks so much for the link up!

  11. February 5, 2022 / 4:00 am

    Loooooove those trousers with that green. You look fabulous. I can’t believe you bought those trousers without a try on. What a score!!

  12. February 5, 2022 / 8:12 am

    It’s fantastic to find a pair of trousers that fit as if they were made to measure. They look great with the dark green. Thanks for linking. Have a good weekend Suzy! xx

  13. February 5, 2022 / 8:42 am

    Oh that jacket looks very cozy and warm. Great trousers, I recently found two pairs from Zara. And I’m really not a trouser girl. Have a great weekend!

  14. February 5, 2022 / 9:43 am

    Great trousers - love the whole look! Thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend 🙂

  15. February 8, 2022 / 5:13 pm

    Ah.. you are into big trousers too. Like you I bought a pair that fit like a glove but they are pretty big. Today I had them photographed for the blog. Haven’t looked at the results yet. So difficult to capture.
    Aren’t they great to wear?
    I would have thought you would give us a close-up of the fab necklace. Just saying.

    • Suzy
      February 9, 2022 / 2:30 pm

      YES, Greetje! I love wide trousers like these, they’re my absolute favourite style to wear. These are a little long, so I will probably end up hemming them myself but they’re ok at the moment if I have heels on. Lately, I’ve completely forgot to photograph the details, like the necklace. I will remember in future! Thanks for the suggestion.
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

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