Hot flushes, hormones & head colds…what a week!

I’m sitting here having hot flushes at the moment. It’s either hormonal or cold-related (probably both!). Michael and I have been all bunged up with a head cold since last week—he’s completely recovered but it’s taking its time with me. And then there’s my bloody hormones! I’m okay, just a bit knackered, and feeling like I could quite easily go back to sleep, even though it’s 9.30 on a Tuesday morning and I’ve got things to do. I haven’t got to go out though, so at least I haven’t got to make myself look any more presentable than this…

This is what I’m wearing. I want comfort this morning, hence my stretchiest skinny jeans. I’ve got a cotton vest on and a very thin shirt on top. I’ve been taking the shirt on and off all morning. Aren’t hot flushes wonderful?! I’ve only got trainers on because I had to take Luna for a walk. By the time I got back, the shirt was off, and so were the shoes. I would’ve taken everything off too were it not for the fact that I’m expecting a delivery from Amazon at some point today!

But I’ve completely gone off on a tangent haven’t I? Not that I really know what I’m talking about today. That’s another wonder of the peri-menopause, isn’t it? Brain fog, forgetfulness, general confusion lol! Honestly, this post is just a bit of a babble about those blasted hormones that do us women no favours at all at this time of life. And I’m only 45, so I know it’s just the beginning. Bleurgh!

Fortunately (or not, depending on how you look at it), I have a husband who is extremely health conscious and wants to help. So, according to something he read online, I ought to be eating about a dozen tablespoons of flaxseed every day to control the hot flushes. Okay, perhaps not quite a dozen, but a lot. I haven’t tried it…yet. Give me time. Have you? Do you have any (natural) tried and tested remedies for peri-menopausal symptoms? I want to start trying everything early lol!



  1. October 13, 2021 / 6:24 pm

    I think I am starting some with the hot flashes but so far only at night and still mild. Definitely cannot finish any sentence. Drives my husband crazy. Love this comfy outfit. That was me yesterday!

  2. October 14, 2021 / 6:46 am

    How great that your husband is reading up and suggesting remedies! Some women swear by black cohosh, also soya as it mimics estrogen. Thanks for linking

  3. October 15, 2021 / 3:28 pm

    Oh Suzy, I am so sorry that you are feeling unwell! I have been struggling with some wicked peri-menopause symptoms, too. I do take flaxseed oil every day, too! I find that helps with my skin problems that creep up during PMS. And my soy protein seems to keep the all over body itches and hot flashes to a minimum. I recently added a menopause complex and a GLA supplement as well. Then I mostly rely on yoga and weed for mitigating all the other things! Let’s keep sharing all the things that work so maybe we can both find some relief from the torment.


    • Suzy
      October 17, 2021 / 9:44 am

      Shelbee, thank you so much for your suggestions. It sounds like I need to stock up on flaxseed and soy protein — I keep getting all over itchiness and I wondered what I could do about it! This peri menopause business is just horrible, isn’t it?!!
      Suzy xx

  4. October 17, 2021 / 10:52 pm

    Menopause can be a real ride - the kind you’d avoid at the theme park. I’m 57, and fortunately through it. And I didn’t make it without hormone replacement therapy. I couldn’t work and be awakened with hot flashes all night. I started to feel that the lack of sleep was more of a danger than the HRT. I hope you get some good advice!


    • Suzy
      October 19, 2021 / 11:04 am

      Thank you so much, Michelle! I hope I sail through it lol………one can only hope, right?!
      Suzy xx

  5. October 18, 2021 / 2:34 am

    I’m 48 and have the most awful night sweats. I love being a woman. I hate being hormonal. I may try the flaxseed thing because grrrrrrr

    • Suzy
      October 19, 2021 / 11:03 am

      LOL GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR indeed, Daenel!!!!
      Suzy xx

  6. October 27, 2021 / 3:10 am

    Oh, the hot flashes. I had them for years. And then they were over. Hallelujah. So hopefully, there is light at the end of the tunnel soon for you. I did get some relief with body sprays and face mists that I could keep in my purse and douse myself with when I was really on fire. We bought a bamboo mattress pad, too. And I looked for cool night gowns to wear. It is such a miserable feeling. Hope you are soon back to normal.

    • Suzy
      November 1, 2021 / 12:04 pm

      Thank you so much, Leslie! I shall try your suggestions…they certainly like great ideas. Here’s hoping I won’t suffer these hot flashes for too long!
      Suzy xx

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