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When I was younger, I was always a silver kinda gal, usually to be found wearing the odd silver ring (my first ever ring was a dolphin and I think I lost it down the loo!), but in recent years I have found myself preferring to wear a variety of beautiful gold rings. I’m not sure if it’s because of the way our skin tone tends to change as we age, or if it’s simply a matter of taste, but gold rings are most definitely on my radar these days. The only exception is the silver ring I ordered last year by an artist who designs rings based on pigeon claws (my closet goth comes out every now and again!).
In fact, I must admit to owning rather a lot of them. Recently, I inherited quite a few gold rings, some with precious stones, some plain, but all very beautiful in their own way. And, of course, they’re precious to me because of how I acquired them. (Pictured are a few of them.) There are some silver ones too, but it seems to be the gold rings that I tend to favour. This might also have something to do with the clothes I often wear—there’s nothing more elegant than a black outfit with some beautiful gold jewellery to set it off, for example. I’m looking forward to the cold weather so I can show off some of my jewellery with a black polo neck, for instance, which will look fabulous with a gold (or perhaps pearl) necklace, some gold rings and a gold bracelet/watch. It’s such a classic look that never goes out of style. It’s a shame the weather is still too warm for that, here in the Algarve, anyway!
Owning this jewellery hasn’t entirely prevented me from browsing gold rings in jewellery stores online and in the flesh though. There’s just something about bling that draws me to it! Even when I’m at home chilling out these days, you will usually find me wearing one or two of my gold rings, because even though I might be wearing no make-up and comfy clothes, the feel of a beautiful ring on your finger, just makes you feel that little bit glamorous. Elizabeth Taylor said it the best, “I love to be casual and comfortable, but I also love the easy glamour of wearing jewellery all the time.” And then there’s Kate Hudson who likes to wear it when she’s not feeling so good, “If I’m not feeling good, I load on jewellery. It gives me energy and makes me feel happy.“ And who doesn’t want to feel happy?
One of the first gold rings that Michael ever bought me, sadly made my finger go red and sore. I’ve since discovered it was because of the gold content. It was 9 carat, and that just doesn’t work so well on my hands. I can wear it in my ears, on my neck or wrist; just not on my fingers. I obviously kept the ring though, for sentimental reasons. I just can’t wear it. But since then, he’s bought me others in 18 carat gold that I love to wear, alongside those that I inherited.
As for the colour of gold, these days I rather like the softness of rose gold. I think it’s a classic colour that suits so many different skin tones. And yes, I have several of those as well!
This quote by Sarah Phillips made me giggle, “Jewellery takes people’s minds off your wrinkles.” And with my wrinkles slowly setting in (is it just me, or do they seem to get worse week by week these days?), I’m all for that! So, bring on the jewellery. In a few years, I might just start wearing all of it, at once, a la Iris Apfel lol. I love that woman…the way she presents herself is like that of a piece of art, don’t you think? Loud, colourful and totally in your face but there is art in the way she does it, right? I’d love to be like that, but I don’t usually feel brave enough! Maybe one of these days, I might be. Perhaps I should just dress with Daphne Guiness’s quote in mind, “I treat clothing or a piece of jewellery like it was a piece of art.” And why not? If you think about each piece of jewellery you own, each piece was designed by a designer. An artist in their own right. So, regardless of how extravagant it might be (or not be), it’s still wearable art. So, next time you get dressed, why not use that piece of jewellery (or art), as inspiration for the rest of your outfit?

Speaking of art, how do you like my ring photography? LOL…I had some fun trying to create these. Photographing jewellery is really hard! Which is why I ended up asking Yoda for some much needed help lol 😉
Are you a fan of gold rings? Do you have any special ones that you like to wear more than others (and I don’t mean your wedding or engagement rings)? Do you prefer traditional gold? Or do you favour rose gold? Please let me know in the comments, I’d love to know!
Some more fun jewellery quotes to entertain you…
“I’ve always thought of accessories as the exclamation point of a woman’s outfit.” Michael Kors
“What can I say about my jewellery? It speaks for itself.” Elsa Peretti
“Jewellery is like the perfect spice – it always complements what’s already there.“ Diane Von Furstenberg
“It’s good to start early when buying jewellery pieces. Aside from being investments, they are classic, they are timeless, and they are something that you pass on – it’s a memory, it’s an heirloom.” Heart Evangelista
Beautiful! I’ve been gravitating towards gold more than silver lately myself.!
Thank you so much, Shauna! There is just something about gold, isn’t there?!
Hugs xx
I love dainty gold pieces layered up or just wearing one simple piece at a time. Using the Yoda to capture the rings was creative, and those pictures turned out beautiful.
You’re so kind, Lovely! I was a bit worried the Yoda idea might have been a bit OTT but I’m so glad everyone is seeing the fun side!
I don’t think I’ve ever layered many dainty pieces before, but I love the idea. I shall have to try it!
Hugs xx
Fun post, Suzy! Look at your gorgeous gold rings! I think you did a beautiful job photographing them, but the Yoda pictures are definitely my favorite! I think you should wear your 9 carat gold ring in another way…perhaps you can turn it into a necklace or a creative brooch. I have a small collection of rings but I rarely ever wear them. While they make you feel fabulous to put on your fingers, rings just make me feel claustrophobic! I haven’t even worn my wedding ring in about 7 years. But I do enjoy and appreciate all the beautiful jewelry. I also love Iris Apfel, obviously, and strive to be like her! I definitely view my body as the canvas on which I can apply my art and I have so much fun doing it!
I can’t even imagine not being able to wear rings at all, Shelbee. But there are times when my fingers swell up a little and I can’t wear any of my other rings, then I feel very claustrophobic, it’s horrible! So I sympathise with you. I love your idea about wearing my old ring another way. I shall have to think about that!
Big hugs xx
I love these photos! It is fun to see your creativity and a look back at older photos of how you wore different pieces.
Thank you so much, Mireille! I had fun going back and looking at those old pics too.
Big hugs xx
OMG your Yoda pic cracked me up. Gold rings, good to wear they are. I personally don’t like wearing rings (I don’t even wear a wedding ring) because they they make my fingers feel strange in a way I don’t know how to describe - I guess I just feel encumbered in some way. But every other kind of jewelry…sign me up!
It’s so strange, Shelbee said the same thing. She can’t wear rings either! There are times when they make me a bit uncomfortable, but never my wedding or engagement rings. I can’t imagine not wearing them!
Hugs xx
I’m the same way. I used to like silver, but now I prefer gold!
It’s weird, isn’t it?!
I never feel fully dressed without jewellery, I’ve always loved it. I used to wear a lot of silver but prefer gold these days…and bold costume jewellery. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Emma, you are not only the Queen of colour but you’re also the Queen of bold jewellery! I love your sometimes wacky style! You’re like a young Iris Apfel 😉
Big hugs xx