From Mozambique to Switzerland | Link-up

No, I’m not talking about me. I didn’t travel from Mozambique to Switzerland. My gorgeous brand new cosmetics bag did! It was a gift from my dear friend Natasha, who recently visited that far away land in Africa, where she met up with her cousin who just happens to make (and sell) the most beautiful bags. Natasha gifted one to me and I adore it. It’s the perfect size for all my bits and pieces when we go away on holiday.

I used it for our trip to Switzerland last week, where we went to celebrate Michael’s 50th birthday. 50! I know…where do the years go?! We had the most fabulous time, despite me picking up a stinking cold right at the start of it. We travelled with our dear friends, one of whom grew up in Switzerland, so we had the perfect tour guide throughout the ten days. We spent the first few days in Zurich (where he used to live), the middle few days in Flims (in the Alps), and then returned to Zurich for a few more days afterwards. As well as one night in Lisbon on the way there, and one on the way back.

We shopped and dined, and walked, and zoomed around on e-scooters and had a whale of a time. The dining part was particularly amazing because there are just so many places that cater for vegans over there. It was amazing (although very, very pricey!). We saw the Christmas lights being switched on, alongside hundreds of people in the freezing cold which was a wonderful experience.

I think Michael’s favourite part of the whole trip was probably seeing all the amazing cars. There are literally hundreds of exclusive vehicles zipping around the city on a constant basis. Ferraris, Mercedes G-Wagons, Porsches, Aston Martins…. to name but a few. He was in car heaven lol. It was fun to see though. I’ll still take my Jeep Renegade any day though 😉

Here are some of the photos Natasha very kindly took of me one morning in the Alps, showing off the lovely cosmetics bag that has travelled from Mozambique to Switzerland. I’m wearing my newest pair of cream boots that I wore almost every day on holiday. I adore them, they’re super comfortable and go with just about everything. I’ll show you a better, close-up photo of them next week. I bought them from a local shop here in the Portugal (Calcado Guimaraes). The jeans are high-waist, loose-fit from H&M, as is the cardigan (of which I have two) as well as the tee-shirt. I actually bought it in Zurich because my hot flushes were preventing me from wearing all my winter jumpers!! The fabulous necklace belonged to my MIL.

Have you ever been to Switzerland? What did you think of it? I wonder if you loved it as much as we did? Let me know in the comments below, and please link up all your posts in the Neverending Style Link-up. See you next week!

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  1. December 2, 2022 / 4:12 pm

    Your pictures are gorgeous! And the cosmetic bag is quite beautiful! I’ve never been to Switzerland and even though everything I have seen about it looks beautiful, I am not sure that we will ever make it there. So many beautiful places around the world to visit. I love that you all e-scoot around. What a great way to see more!

  2. December 3, 2022 / 11:07 am

    Suzy, you are so adorable! I love these gorgeous photos of you and that cosmetics bag is beautiful! What a wonderful way to celebrate Michael’s 50th birthday. Happy birthday to him! I am hoping to go to the Netherlands for my 50th birthday in 2024. Wanna meet us there?! Hehe.


  3. Jess
    December 3, 2022 / 4:47 pm

    Hi Suzy!
    I’ve never been to Europe. I was pretty sad about not going to Italy due to my health, but we hope to get there one of these days. Switzerland sounds amazing, and its wonderful you got to enjoy 10 days there. Its one of the places on “the list”. Love your bag, such pretty colors as well as the shape.
    Have a great weekend!
    jess xx

    • Suzy
      December 7, 2022 / 3:29 pm

      I’m so sorry you didn’t get to Italy because of your health, Jess. I sincerely hope you’ll get there soon!
      Big hugs xx

  4. mummabstylish
    December 7, 2022 / 10:46 pm

    Sounds fun and I love that bag Suzy, thanks for hosting the linkup nice to join in. Jacqui x

  5. December 8, 2022 / 7:29 am

    Friends of is are totally mad about Switzerland and ask us to join them. Perhaps next year. But it does look very beautiful there.

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