A casual outfit for hormonal days and why you should follow your heart

This is the first time in a while that I’ve been brave enough to bare my ankles. Not because I’m a prude from the 19th century or anything, it’s just that I think I’m going to freeze my arse off if my ankles are bare. But on this occasion, the weather was so glorious and I was so hot, I needed to wear something cool. Although, to be honest, I think that might have had something to do with my bloody hormones. Being forty-five is awesome, right? And I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.

A casual outfit for hormonal days

My cool and casual outfit comprised a loose cotton shirt that I’ve had for years (from Primark) that usually only gets worn in the height of the summer months, a pair of ankle-grazing stretchy trousers from C&A and my newest pair of white Ecco leather trainers. It’s incredibly casual and loose-fitting—perfect for days when your temperature is higher than you’d like it to be. Let’s call it a casual outfit for hormonal days!

A slick of red lipstick always makes you feel better, right? Not that I felt bad, not at that point. I felt bloody awful Wednesday, Thursday and Friday though—period pains for three days! Wonderful. But I feel fine today, thankfully. Until next month. Speaking of lipstick, I’ve always been a fan of red lippie, and I can’t believe I’m going to admit it, but I’ve owned this particular Clarins lipstick for about twenty-five years!! It was a gift from Michael in the early days. Goes to show that I don’t wear it that often lol! I do love the shade though, interesting that it still suits me after all these years. Do you wear red lipstick? And do you own any that are as old as mine? lol

I might complain about going through all this hormonal shit at this age, but I honestly believe it’s such a privilege to be able to age, you know? I’ve lost so many loved ones over the years, most of whom were way too young to die, so to be able to go through life and experience everything it has to offer—good or bad—is a gift. That’s another reason why I love my grey hair so much. It’s like my own little beacon of life experience, and I embrace it with everything I’ve got.

This week, a friend commented on how long my hair has got, and it really has, hasn’t it? I’m really loving it, which is a surprise because over the past ten years, whenever it gets to this stage, I usually go and chop it all off. But, not only am I embracing the grey, I’m also embracing the length. I hate it when ‘people’ say that long hair ages you. Who f***ing cares if it ages you or not? It’s your hair and you should do whatever you want to do with it. And if that means long grey hair, crazy short pixie hair, whatever, it’s yours, not anyone else’s. Don’t follow what others tell you, follow your heart <3

When I first decided to stop dyeing my hair, some people told me I was crazy, that it would make me look older than I am. Well, I pretty much gave them the finger (in a nice way lol), and followed my heart anyway. It felt so liberating to do that, you know? And then, after a few months of being dye-free, I then decided to chop it all off. Again, some people were a bit negative, but I didn’t listen. I did what my heart told me to do. And again, I felt liberated.

I get the same feeling from blogging, to be honest. It has freed me, in a sense. I know there are loads of people out there who think this is all just about vanity, playing dress up and posing in front of a camera. But there’s way more to it than that. Since I’ve been doing this, I’ve gained so much more confidence in myself than I’ve ever had before. It’s not just about the clothes and the make-up, it’s goes deeper. It’s difficult to explain, but I feel freer for doing this. It’s given me so much more self-acceptance, and allowed me to love me, simply for me. I accept myself, flaws and all. It’s weird, really, that posing for photos, choosing to dress up more and making more of an effort with how I look has made me more okay with what’s beneath all that. The little things I used to hate about myself, are now just little quirks that make me, me. Crazy, right?

I’m quite happy to dance around in front of the camera and reveal myself for all to see. I don’t have anything to hide, so why try? I know this all sounds so goofy, but it’s just me—a 45-year-old woman with greying hair who is following her heart and doesn’t give a shit whether you like it or not. Isn’t that the way it should be?

Shop the ‘casual outfit for hormonal days’ look!

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Satin Lipstick Collection
Rouge Dior Refillable Lipstick
Kiko Gossamer Emotion Creamy Lipstick
Micro-Bubble – Titanium Micro Red da Daniel Sandler
Antipodes 4 g – Forest Berry Red
Cornwall Linen Trousers – Black
Hannah Linen Shirt – Green And Pink Stripe
Pure Linen Striped Oversized Shirt
Miss Selfridge Petite high waisted cigarette trouser in black
Miss Selfridge high waisted tailored trousers in black
ASOS Levi’s dad shirt in blue stripe

See where I link up in the list over to your right!



  1. March 23, 2021 / 7:15 am

    Yes I totaly agree with you on what blogging is. Some friends around me don’t understand it at all. Who gives a shit right. Lipstick for 25 years?? Lol. No don’t have that. I did hang on to a Dior one for years, just because it was Dior. But it was a horrible lipstick.

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:09 pm

      I love that you also think the same, Nancy — who gives a shit, right?!
      You really made me laugh with your comment about you keeping a Dior lipstick for years just because it was Dior even though it was horrible LOL!!!!!
      Suzy xx

  2. March 23, 2021 / 10:59 am

    I have been wearing red lipstick all my life, every day. My lips have no colour and if I had forgotten to put lipstick on, my colleagues would shout: “Put your lipstick on, for God’s sake”. Hahaha.
    Mine isn’t old as you can imagine. It is very expensive though as it is the only one which doesn’t creep into the cracks around my lips (Sensai, The Lipstick 02 Sazanka Red).
    I think your red lips (you have a beautiful mouth) and red glasses gave the necessary pop of colour to the outfit.
    I love your hair and the way you braided it when drying. If I had your hair, I wouldn’t mind going grey either. Alas…
    As for blogging, I agee with you. I never lacked confidence but after I started blogging, it grew more and more. I never liked being photographed, now I know what to do and I love it.
    It has also given me ever such nice blogging friends around the world, a few of which I have seen in real life.
    My best friend who was Scottish (she died last year and I still miss her like crazy), didn’t understand my blogging either. She used to say: “MY GOD, how many photos can you take of yourself? How narcisistic can you get?” We joked about it and her daughter told me, she secretly looked at my posts haha. It isn’t about the clothes or about me, it is about creating something. I remember one day, when it was the King’s birthday and the whole country celebrates in a big way. I came home at noon on a glorious sunny day with photos taken in Amsterdam of everything there was to see (a lot) and the only thing I wanted to do (and did) was to go upstairs and start making the post. This post with about 49 photos featured me three times. Then I knew it wasn’t about me, it was the whole process of creating why I love blogging.

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:33 pm

      Oh Greetje, you do have such a wonderful way about you! You always make me giggle.
      Your best friend sounded like such a fun woman! I can just imagine your conversations together. I’m so sorry you lost her, I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to lose a close friend like that.
      One of the things I also love about blogging is the wonderful friendships I have made too. I really do hope I will get the chance to meet them all, including you, of course.
      Huge hugs
      Suzy xx

  3. March 23, 2021 / 4:04 pm

    I think that most people unless they read blogs for inspiration or are bloggers do not get us! For me, it also has helped me feel like I have a little purpose apart from being a mother and wife: I offer something to others. Funny about the hair: mine has reached that length: getting my hair cut tomorrow!

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:34 pm

      I couldn’t agree more, Mireille! I think perhaps we are a special breed of people, is bloggers lol!
      I hope you enjoyed getting your hair done….it’s been quite some time since I went to a salon!
      Suzy xx

  4. March 24, 2021 / 12:03 am

    I completely agree with you about blogging. It gives me a sense of purpose and I do feel like I’m more confident than before I started. Love this casual look!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:35 pm

      Thank you so much, Jill!
      Suzy xx

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:36 pm

      You are so kind, Lovely! Thank you so much.
      Suzy xx

  5. March 26, 2021 / 2:13 am

    loving this cute and casual outfits! And you’re looking great with your hair!

    Life is a Shoe

    • Suzy
      March 27, 2021 / 2:36 pm

      Thank you so much, Celyn! That’s really kind of you.
      Suzy xx

  6. March 30, 2021 / 4:42 pm

    Suzy, this is the best post ever! I love your hormonal outfit because I can totally relate to all of it! Ugh, those days when I cannot even tolerate a waistband! And I just came to the realization the other day that my blog is something good because I am having fun and people respond positively to happiness and smiles! So if I can share that, even if that is all I can share, it is certain to do a good service for someone who needs a smile! I am looking forward to many more years of sharing how I play dress up with the world!


    • Suzy
      March 31, 2021 / 5:02 pm

      I am so glad to hear it, Shelbee! I can’t tell you how much I love reading your posts and now talking to you too! Today has been one of the best days I’ve had for ages, because we finally got to talk. You’re the best, you really are!
      Huge hugs
      Suzy xx