A blue outfit for the Neverending Style link-up

I thought I’d follow up my last post, an unsuccessful shopping trip with our successful shopping trip! Yesterday we went back to Mar Shopping in Faro, to see if we could buy the things we had wanted to buy last week but failed at (see previous post). Lo and behold it was a complete success! We even managed to get a bite to eat this time! For our morning out, I wore a blue outfit.

I would have worn navy blue sandals too but a few days prior to this, I stubbed my little toe so badly, I think I might have fractured it (it’s not the first time—I’m so bloody clumsy!!). So, I had no choice but to wear sandals that weren’t so fitted around that part of my foot. These black sparkly sandals did the trick because they’re a little on the large side. Plus, I don’t think they look too bad with my blue outfit.

These navy denim culottes get worn to death at this time of year because they’re so comfortable and relatively cool. The only thing I really dislike about them is the exposed zip at the front, but I can live with that for a decent pair of culottes. I’ve been on the hunt for a few more pairs lately, but can I find any? Nope. I don’t want frayed or raw edges which seem to be all the rage this year. I’m sure I’ll find some, eventually!

The navy vest (tank) top is one of several I bought last year from Intimissimi. I’ve got it in black (which I wore for the unsuccessful shopping trip last weekend), white, grey and navy. I love them because they have a built-in bra which I think is perfect for when it’s a bit warm. I hate wearing bras in this heat. It’s the first thing to come off whenever I get home lol. Bra and shoes! I’m always wandering around in bare feet (I love to feel grounded).

Speaking of heat, this is what I usually end up doing with my hair—I throw it up into a messy bun just to get it off my neck. There’s nothing worse than a sweaty neck with long hair coiled all around it!

I almost forgot to mention why the shopping trip was successful! We found the perfect pouffe (ottoman or foot stool if you don’t know what a pouffe is) to go in our lounge by our fabulous new leather corner sofa. We also bought a little tray to go in the middle of it, a mini table to use when we’re too lazy to lean forward for our coffee cups (!), a couple of new cushions and, wait for it… six new dining chairs lol! We didn’t need dining chairs but we’ve grown bored of our old ones. So we decided to splash out on something a bit more groovy lol. We also picked up a simple gold/brass standing lamp to go beside the sofa. I’ll take some photos for Monday’s post 🙂

I also got a new pair of Skechers in the sale. I wanted a light pair for summer, and I found a pink pair which were perfect. I’ll show you next week some time. But that’s enough about me, my blue outfit, broken toe and shopping trip. What have you been up to this week? Please share all your fabulous blog and Instagram posts (all lifestyle subjects welcome) below…

My favourite last week was Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb who shared photos from a shoot she did with an old photography colleague (her new Instagram husband), and the results are simply beautiful! Not to mention she’s wearing THE most spectacular tulle skirt with biker boots!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

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18 comments so far.

18 responses to “A blue outfit for the Neverending Style link-up”

  1. Suzy, I love this simple outfit in navy. Those denim culottes look fabulous on you! I have a similar pair that I have been wearing quite frequently this summer as well. I also prefer to be barefoot and braless when I am hanging at home and the messy bun is my summer go-to hairstyle as well. So much in common, my friend! Haha. But we already knew that! I hope you have an amazing weekend! I look forward to seeing all your new things.


    • Suzy says:

      We are sisters from different parents, Shelbee lol! Soul sisters, perhaps!
      I’m sharing my new living room on the blog tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  2. mireille says:

    Looking forward to seeing your new purchases: this year, we have really added a lot to our outdoors furniture. Then last week I picked some new pillows for our couch and a new comforter for my room. I always have called small ottamans poufs but maybe because I grew up in Europe. I love your culottes and I actually just bought a pair (I am wearing them on today’s instagram post): I had been looking for a pair too and they are so nice for a change from my skinny pants!

    • Suzy says:

      Oooh it sounds like you’ve been making some successful homeware purchases too, Mireille! Have you thought about sharing your home style on your blog too? It would be nice to see!
      Suzy xx

  3. Laurie says:

    I’ve been looking at Intimissimi Suzy. I didn’t realise they had tops with built in bras. I’m pretty much the same when it’s hot. Get the bra off! xx

  4. Gail says:

    That sounds a very successful haul! Love your navy vest and culottes. I thought it was a jumpsuit! You’ve reminded me about my black culottes. I haven’t worn them at all this summer! I probably would have if I’d been going into the office.

    • Suzy says:

      I suppose it does look a bit like a jumpsuit! The colours are exactly the same! Thank you so much, Gail.
      Suzy x

  5. Rena says:


    A successful shopping trip is always a mood lifter. Your outfit is lovely and I hope that your bruised up toe isn’t too bothersome. As for the exposed zipper, have you tried to darken it with a permanent pen so that it becomes less noticeable? Thanks for the link-up and enjoy the weekend.


    • Suzy says:

      Thank you so much, Rena! Would you believe I bashed my toe again today. OMG did it hurt?!! I’m such a klutz!! I’ll definitely try your zipper trick, it sounds like the perfect solution. Thanks!
      Suzy xx

  6. Nancy says:

    Oh I can’t stand bra s and my hair in my neck either. So irritating. That sounds like a good shopping trip. Can’t wait to see it. Love the outdoor, navy is such a good strong colour in my eyes. And that toe must have hurt so badly!! I hope it heels quickly.

  7. I like the raw hem trend but don’t want all of them all the time. And sure as we pitch all of our properly hemmed jeans out with the trash, the raw hem will become off-trend and dated. Same thing with the skinny jeans and now the flare/bell bottoms. I like having both options.

    I am trying to stay away from buying anything right now. Hate seeing all the cute summery stuff going on sale and calling my name but I want to save money for fall clothes.

    Nursing blisters over here from the sand in my shoes during vacation. Really did a number on both feet in 3 or 4 places each. Hope your toe is feeling better. Hard to find comfy shoes when your feet aren’t ‘right’. Wish I could wear tank tops with built-in bras. My chest is too large, I think. Have my first minimizer bra and love that my breasts don’t arrive 30 seconds before I do in it.

    • Suzy says:

      You’re absolutely right, Leslie! Maybe I should just buy one pair of raw hemmed culottes lol!
      I’m so sorry you’re nursing blisters from the beach, they sound very painful! My toe isn’t too bad…not helped by bashing it again yesterday morning though ouch!!
      I did have a giggle about your boobs LOL!!!!
      Thanks so much for stopping by, Leslie!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  8. Mica says:

    This is a great monochrome outfit for the heat and it’s good you had such a productive shopping trip! 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you are having a good weekend 🙂

  9. HI Suzy
    We need a new couch but arent ready quite yet . We have a dark brown sectional and between us and the dogs, its showing some wear. I want a grey more structured sectional, but it has to have a chaise lounge! Love the navy blue on you, and the culloutes look great! I like the extra bit of blue you added to your bun! I wear my hair up too at times or a ponytail as you said, sweaty strands of hair -not fun or pretty! LOL
    Enjoy your week!
    jess xx

  10. Hilda Smith says:

    Glad your shopping trip was successful this time and ouch that poor toe. Love your outfit too looks cool and I love navy.

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