Suzy Turner is the founder of The Grey Brunette. Created in early 2021 as an outlet for her passion for writing and style, The Grey Brunette is a place that inspires 40+ women to have fun through fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Suzy loves to connect with the everyday woman, creating eye-catching and relatable content while also offering all kinds of inspiration.
My story
I moved to Portugal with my family back in 1986. Although it was an enormous culture shock to a ten-year-old from Rotherham in Yorkshire, it soon became my much-loved home. It’s where I met and married my childhood sweetheart, Michael; where I discovered a love of writing and developed a career in publishing.
Michael and I don’t have kids, but we have three beautiful cats, Shannon, Myrtle and Sadie, and a little Podengo (a Portuguese breed) pooch, Luna.
Over the years, I’ve also become a qualified yoga teacher and have published 12 fiction books (visit my author blog, for more details).
The story behind The Grey Brunette
Ten years ago, I was so fed up with colouring my hair every two months that I gave up the hair dye. It was the most liberating thing I’ve ever done, and I can honestly say I’ve not looked back. I love my many silvery strands and embrace every aspect of the way I look! I believe it’s such a blessing to have the opportunity to grow older. After all, so many tragically don’t get the chance. I lost my mum when she was very young and I think that has influenced the way I feel about ageing. However, that certainly doesn’t stop me from trying out anti-wrinkle products!
If you are a brand interested in working together, head on over to my contact page and get in touch!
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