A shopping trip and The Neverending Style link-up

It’s been soooooo long since I had the chance to go out on a shopping trip, but a few days ago, I did just that! It was the highlight of the past few months lol. My bestie, Sarah, picked me up bright and early and we headed down to the Mar Shopping Centre and Designer Outlet Algarve (just short of an hour’s drive away). It was absolute bliss.

Considering that I am a total shopping addict, I’d almost been having withdrawal symptoms. I’ve shopped online a little bit within the past year, but it’s nothing compared to a proper shopping trip out. Especially when you add your best friend, Starbucks coffee and sushi for lunch.

We traipsed around the shops until about 3.30 when Sarah just couldn’t handle it anymore—she’s such a lightweight compared to me lol. I can literally shop from 9am until 9pm and I’d be very happy about it! I don’t have to spend a lot of money, either. I rarely do, to be honest. In fact, considering this was my first shopping trip of this year, I actually only spent just under 100 euros. Not bad, eh? And that included Starbucks and lunch!

So, what did I buy? Well, I wanted colour, so I literally ignored everything that was black, white or neutral. I just walked into each shop, and let my eyes roam until they found bright colour lol. Funny thing though, because it’s been so long since we went out on a shopping trip, we were both a bit like rabbits in headlights!

Anyway, I ended up with a pair of red trousers for the summer (Fifty), a fine knit orange vest (Zara), a few basics from Primark (I love their little bra tank tops—I’ve worn them to death this past year) and, the most exciting thing I bought was a pair of blue trousers (Bershka) that I’d previously seen online and thought they were no longer available (because I’d been looking in the wrong shop DOH). Anyway, they’re in the most gorgeous bright blue and are a silky material and, get this, they were on offer!! So I only paid 17 euros for them! I was thrilled lol. Unfortunately, they are way too long for me, so I’ll have to hem them. This might prove difficult because of the silky fabric, but I will have a go.

I saw a few things that I completely fell in love with that I didn’t buy—which I now regret. I don’t quite understand why I do it? Why do I talk myself out of buying things when I love them? It’s like I have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other arguing about it lol. The two main things were—the most amazing neon pink trainers in Skechers, and a fabulous pair of wide-legged floral print jeans in Zara. Both of which don’t seem to be available online either, which is kind of weird. Oh well. I’m sure Michael and I will be heading back down there in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed they might still be available then!

So what’s this outfit all about then? Well, nothing special really. I was just in the mood for colour and it was actually really bloody cold out so I had to wear a sweater! And this bright midnight blue soft jumper is so gorgeous and cuddly—although it gives off major static electricity lol—and it goes so well with my white jeans. However, I do like it with pink so I added a fuchsia pink top underneath and some plimsols that incorporate all the same colours. Like I said, it’s a super simple outfit, but the bright colours really make it pop.

I added a silver necklace that Michael bought me years ago, some blue Indian bangles (yep…given to me by my mother-in-law), my Michael Kors pink watch and some sparkly pink studs in my ears and I was all set. And if I had have been going out, I would have worn this white faux leather handbag too. Sorry about the photos—Michael took them, and they’re all very much the same. I don’t think he was in the mood lol. Anyway, enough about my shopping trip and my pink, white and blue outfit, let’s get on with the Neverending Style Link-up. Previous linkup posts have been about creativity, knickers and self portraits. I do like to shake things up a bit, don’t I? lol! But seriously I hope you’ll link-up, below!

Neverending Style Linkup

Most clicked
The Power of Words, a beautiful post written by Debbie of Your Styled Story, about words that inspire or motivate us. I highly recommend you pop on over for a read. Debbie’s posts are always incredibly thought provoking and visually stunning.

My fashion favourite
Mireille, of Chez Mireille, was inspired by This Blonde’s Shopping Bag to style a kimono three ways. I adore kimonos and think they look so super stylish in many ways so I just adore this post! I have one colourful kimono in my wardrobe (my others are black), and I think I might have to jump on this bandwagon too! Go and check out Mireille’s post if you haven’t already!
And now please link up all your fabulous posts!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. May 7, 2021 / 11:33 am

    Suzy, I am so happy that you went on a proper shopping trip! And it sounds like you found some pretty amazing things! I hate when I talk myself out of something and then I want it and can’t find it. I hope those few pieces are still available when you and Michael go shopping next! I really like this outfit. The cobalt blue sweater is so pretty and the color looks amazing on you. I also really like the pairing of pink, blue, and white for a crisp and colorful spring time look. Super cute shoes, too. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.


    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:07 pm

      Thank you so much, Shelbee! Michael and I still haven’t been back to the shopping centre, and next weekend he’s off to do another two more track days on his bike so I guess I’ll have to wait a few more weeks. Oh well!
      Have a fabulous week too, lovely!
      Suzy xx

  2. May 7, 2021 / 11:49 am

    Nice outfit, love the bright colours with white. Glad you enjoyed your shopping trip. I have yet to do this since the non-essential shops reopened. I’m a bit of a lightweight like your friend, I can only bear it for an hour or so! Have a good weekend x

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:08 pm

      LOL I could shop for England, Gail!! Thank you, lovely!
      Suzy xx

  3. May 7, 2021 / 12:14 pm

    Love this look Suzy, it’s so colourful and vibrant, a really happy feel. Jacqui
    Thanks for hosting. Jacqui

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:08 pm

      Thank you so much, Jacqui!
      Suzy xx

  4. May 7, 2021 / 12:31 pm

    Aww, it is great to get out shopping again. Isn’t it 🙂 I went a few weeks ago and got some summer dresses. Not worn them yet as it is so cold!! Love the pop Royal blue 🙂

    Thanks for hosting and the reminder on Twitter 🙂

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:09 pm

      It’s WONDERFUL, Claire lol! I do hope you get some much needed warm weather soon so you can wear your new dresses! I shall look forward to seeing them on your blog and insta!
      Suzy xx

  5. May 7, 2021 / 3:18 pm

    I haven’t had a major shopping trip as of yet but I’ve certainly been getting my TK Max fix! I’m heading into London for the day next week and I can’t wait. I hope you find the items on your return, Suzy. I do that often too. xx

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:11 pm

      Thanks Laurie! I hope they’re there next time too. I did notice you posted a new video about your London trip. I’ve bookmarked it to watch later — tomorrow!
      Suzy xx

  6. May 7, 2021 / 4:00 pm

    I have shopped in person but with a friend, it has been a long time. I have gone thrifting with my mom though which is nice too. Very well done to leave with spend less than 100 euros! Impressive! I just

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:13 pm

      I envy you, Mireille. The thrift shops here are nowhere near as good as the ones you have over there. I wore a lot of my closet the past few months so it was nice to actually get a few new goodies lol!
      Suzy xx

  7. May 7, 2021 / 6:54 pm

    I miss shopping and browsing and just being places {other than work}. But the one good thing about not shopping in stores is that I’m forced to wear the clothes that are in my closet. LOL But, gooooosh, I miss just being.

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:15 pm

      I know what you mean, Daenel! I guess I was a bit fed up of wearing all the things in my closet LOL!!!
      Suzy xx

  8. May 7, 2021 / 8:50 pm

    I also love to shop all day long. But I can’t spend as little as you did and stil buying a lot and have sushi!! But it sounds like a perfect day! Yes indeed, why don’t we buy those items. I often think to long about it and then it’s stuks out! So stupid.

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:15 pm

      Nancy, you sound like my perfect shopping companion! Maybe one of these days, it might actually happen lol!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  9. May 7, 2021 / 9:33 pm

    Suzy, I love this cute and colorful outfit! I’ve been in the mood for color, too! I love that cobalt blue sweater-or should I say jumper? Lol! It truly is fun to actually go into a shop and see and touch everything, isn’t it? While I’m largely an online shopper, I do have to go and see things and get a feel for what’s current. Happy weekend and thanks for the Link Up. I just discovered it!

    xx Darlene

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:17 pm

      Oh Darlene, you’re so right! There’s nothing like feeling the things in the shops is there? I want to know what something feels like before I buy it. It makes such a difference!
      Thank you so much!
      Suzy xx

  10. May 12, 2021 / 12:41 am


    Great look and I’m glad that you had a chance to do some in-person shopping. I, too, could go all day shopping and spend most of that time just looking.


    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:18 pm

      Sounds like you, me and Nancy should go shopping together Rena! lol
      Suzy xx

  11. May 12, 2021 / 11:08 pm

    How exciting to be able to go shopping again! I haven’t been to any big shopping centres yet, just charity shops for clothes. I’m planning on going round the vintage shops in Manchester soon though - I’ll have to go on my own because Pete would be bored out if his mind! Plus, if I go on my own I don’t have to reveal how much I’ve bought - I’ll just hide it! Thanks for joining in the #stylewithasmile link up!

    Emma xxx

    • Suzy
      May 17, 2021 / 9:20 pm

      LOL Emma, that really made me laugh!! It sounds like we would be perfect shopping partners LOL!!
      Have fun in the vintage shops, I bet you find some real gems!
      Suzy xx